Set Card Game: The Family Game of Visual Perception

Click to get Set Card Game The Family Game of Visual Perception Item ID: #28077
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Ages: 6+Players: 1-20 PlayersTime: 30-45 minFun for the whole family SET® is a highly addictive, original game of visual perception; a fascinating challenge for either solitaire or competitive play.  To create a SET, a player must locate three cards in which each of the four features is either all the same on each card or all different on each card, when looked at individually. The four features are, symbol (oval, squiggle or diamond), color (red, purple or green), number (one, two or three) or shading (solid, striped or open).  Age is no advantage in this fast paced family game.SET® is great fun for the whole family because there is no previous knowledge required.  

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